I have a wish
I wish newgrounds would have something like -10000 for humor, overall, graphics, style, sound, and violence, and interactivity, cause this submission really needs it!
I have a wish
I wish newgrounds would have something like -10000 for humor, overall, graphics, style, sound, and violence, and interactivity, cause this submission really needs it!
2 words...and a couple of exclamation marks.
HATE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Put a little more thought into your projects dude. I dont mean to bash, I never mean too, But i mean, when i see rediculous crap like that, It makes me want to. You had a good idea, but length is your key, and no, It wasnt funny. You should have thought a little more, before submitting.
I am serious about this..
The graphics - 1, Very, very, ....very crappy
Style - 0, cause there was none!
2 sound - good for GTA sounds, but very very annoying
2 violence- only 1 person got run over
0 interactivity - you know why..
0 humor - not funny at all unless your like, 2 years old..
1 overall, Very poorly done.
I love Bionic Commando as a child. It was a great game, and this one, should have been revived into full 3D
Sk1nHoUnD is a dumbass, he tells you sprites were over done but you should stick with em? make sense? No. I liked your video though, and it had nice music with it also.
Funny and good
Can't wait till the next episode, be quick about it, would ya?
Its cool but pointless
Your very good, but it couldnt help any of us.
Man, My cartoon is sweet... I swear :) YESH
Age 38, Male
being a Bum
What's school?
Somewhere ova teh rainbow
Joined on 12/5/04